Dr. Benjamin Bart
978-1-62795-005-3 | Hardcover | 160 pages | 6.2″ x 5″
List Price: $9.95
You know you do it. Everyone farts. From the ancient Greeks to monarchs and presidents, here is a chronicle of broken wind that sails through the ages. From humorous definitions to boisterous limericks and actual definitions, this book is drawn from the collection of the (not very) famous Bart archives, a treasure trove of papers from author Benjamin Bart’s grandmother Emily’s cedar chest. The History of Farting covers every aspect of farting from breaking wind in culture through the ages to the A-to-Z of classic farts. Included are sections on Le Petomane, France’s famed Le Moulin Rouge performer, the Farta from Sparta, an old rugby club 12-verse epic limerick favorite, and even, for the medically minded, a chapter on the physiology of farting. All in all, it’s a real ripper!
Dr. Benjamin Bart is a pseudonym used to protect the guilty. He is currently in an author protection program.